Pretty much getting super excited for Christmas, Rob is coming down for Crimbo whilst his Mum goes away to Japan for three weeks, So that will be nice having Rob over. I just thought that I have never had Christmas day with Rob, His family from Japan always come over to England for Christmas but they have just had a little baby so couldn't make it this year.... I think a trip back over there is on the cards, just got to save me some pennies...
But apart from that...
I'm working through Honeydew now, I'm still aiming to get it done for Feb/March all being well but I am finding it hard some days to get going with it, to get me in the flow of it all I thought about doing a nice little set of postcards to maybe go with the comic, something I'm working on anyway,
Saying that I've only drawn Goji and Sprout, I've tried to draw Terra but they all came out poo...
Either way I also ended up drawing a little action shot of Herald fighting Ru-bian, I did whilst watch Mr Show the other day so I was just doing a little doodle...yeah I did it before i re-designed Heralds coat so a little out of date, I have scanned in his new coat but I want to do some colour tests on it first
I prob will forget to blog before Christmas.....
But Happy holidays to you all,