Oh dear me, I can't believe it has been that long since I last posted, I've been to a few comic cons this month and have been busy putting together some of my new comics, planning them out and what-not. But I'll not talk about it all in this post I'll try and do some small snippy blogs about art work and such.
But I'll talk about cons the two cons that I went to this month, before I forget...
So first off I went to Bristol comic con, which overall was very quite (which everyone else seems to say), but I had a good time...It was nice to catch up with everyone and see what they had been up to, I think it was because it was so close to Kapow comic con (which is set in London)... but I forgot to take my camera so I don't have any pictures to show. I only just managed to cover cost on this con, I'll just have to see if it happens next year.
Next up was MCM expo, which overall had a mixed response, although it was the busiest I had ever seen it a lot of comic peeps say that they didn't do as well as they could have done, I don't know if it was down to layout (the comics village seemed to be shoved all over the place, and there was hardly any room to move behind the tables) or there was just too much going off in one area but I feel like I have missed one or two peeps who where at expo.
I my self did good, I got a nice number of new punters for Herald Owlett and I sold my original Journey Cardart, Thank you to everyone who dropped by and said hi, here is the lucky chap with his nice new Journey art (and his Link friend too) sorry but like an silly moo I forgot to ask the chap his name, I'm no good talking to peeps!
I also managed to do some original art on the day, I did do a Marceline drawn card art but forgot to take a picture of it, I did manage (at the last min) to get a picture of my version of the monsters from Attack the block, thank you lady for giving them a good home!
I also drew Hot dog princess and a Long tailed tit which went to good homes too!
I did a couple of doodles for peeps who brought or traded Herald Owlett, these are the ones I remembered to take piccys of ( I am so rubbish at doing things like this)
Oh Will did a pretty wicked card art too, he drew it on the sat and sold it within the first 30 mins of it going on sale cause it is well wick!

But apart from that, it was a very fun weekend, I brought lots of things (which I'll put on real soon) so now I have new material to keep me going for about a month or so, the good thing about the con tho is I now have a bit of energy to do Honeydew and Magic, with a few other factors lining up I may get it done for next MCM, but I'll keep you updated if anything happens.
Bye Bye