26 Feb 2013

A little something I am working on

  So Came back from LSCC the other day which was ok, a little quite than what I had hoped for but it was lovely to see everyone again and have a little chat with peeps to catch up on stuff that I had missed.
  The feedback I got from peeps was everyone asking what I had been up to, then me realising that I haven't been updating anything.

 So to combat that here is a little something I am working on, hopefully some sort of cover for Honeydew and Magic when that comes out, I haven't finished it just yet but here is what I have done so far, I am having a go at digital colouring in, not really great at it thus it's taking me a little longer than normal but fingers crossed it will look ok...I hope.

 I should be around May launching a Kickstarter to get this comic up and going, more will be revealed as it gets closer, at the mo I am currently re-working the story and will start re-drawing it by the end of the week. I should be getting some bits and bobs together for it as well, I'm thing things like key rings and bags and other such things. But please watch the space and more will be revealed...

 Oh also I will be at Cardiff Con this Weekend so please come and say hi if your going to it
 But more to come real soon!!!!