So trying to make a go off this blogger thing, I'm really am going to TRY and get into the habbit of not post just once a month, But I'm all talk and on guts, BLAH!!!!
So to start things off I finally got round to drawing a Tintin picture, I've been wanting to do one for a few days now after having seen the film (which by the way is brilliant), but it wasn't till I got the animated series on DVD that finally pushed me to do it... so this is the first draft of it, I'm hopefully going to take it into Photoshop later and add some colour to it so it won't look compleatly yellow, But pretty chuffed with it to say I just sat down and drew it (there are also a few mistakes in this one).
If it comes out alright I may make it into a print of anyone is interested...I'll see how funds are in my wallet.

I've been drawing a couple of ideas for deomons for my new comic, it's nothing fancy, just having a bit of fun with them, I don't think it'll do anything with these but it is just nice to draw things and not have to worry about them fitting in somewhere.
I did want to do some sort of collection with them all together but for now I'm happy with just doing some doodles, although saying that I really enjoyed getting the old copics out and having a little colouring in with this chap.
I also thought it might be nice to show you some of the other ideas I had with them, I do like some of the elements that each one has, whilst doing this I've had some ideas of what to do with some of the bosses for Herald Owlett, hopefully if I pull them off right some really fun ideas... don't want to give away too much but for one idea involves a giant metal moon whale...
(oh yeah)
Also didn't really think I would play it but having a little old go with Skyrim, I picked a Wood Elf (I like the idea of being resistant to poision, one of my big down falls in RPG's) and I really liking it, although I'm having the same problem as I did with Fallout 3 in which I love to go of and explore but then go too far out and get slaughted by a wolf or something really pathertic. The one thing I am loving is the nature in Skyrim, I've already come across the Northen lights twice, an amazing thunderstorm, glowing moths, these starnge little fire flys, rabbits , foxes and the dragons are pretty cool too. I was also just walking around and saw a headless horseman (in ghost form) ride past me and then an hour later I saw these mages trying to kill what looked like a ghost bunny (but I can't be sure about that)... Lets just's fun and I've only done one major mission.
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